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  • What do Avtalat and Collectum do?
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How the pension system works
    The ITP occupational pension
      What do Avtalat and Collectum do?
        What do you need to do?

          On the savers' side

          What do Avtalat and Collectum do?

          As a private individual, you will find information about collectively agreed upon pension and insurance at Avtalat.

          If you have the occupational pension ITP you can also log in to invest your pension money and choose extra cover for the family.

          Collectum is an administration company for the collectively agreed occupational pension ITP, and is part of the Swedish social security system. The competitive tenderings we carry out on behalf of the labour market parties have resulted in lower fees, which means more pension for you as an employee.

          Our remit is divided into the following main areas:

          • conducting competitive tender processes to appoint the insurance companies who will manage salaried employees’ ITP pension
          • managing the ITP plan
          • providing information to employers about the ITP occupational pension.

          The management we perform includes collecting information on, for example, salaries from employers. Based on this information we invoice pension premiums and then distribute the money to the insurance companies that you as a salaried employee have chosen at Avtalat.

          Our organisation is financed through a fee that is taken from the premium paid by the employer.

          Selection centres are independent

          Wondering what to choose?

          Avtalat and Collectum both are independent, we don’t give any advice on where you should invest your ITP 1 or ITPK capital. Avtalat, however, help you to understand your occupational pension so that you can make the choice that suits you.

          The competitive tendering Collectum carry out ensures that all of the insurance companies you can choose between have low fees and high returns historically – so you can feel confident that you’re making a good choice, whichever company you choose.

          Collectum is independent of all insurance companies and is a not-for-profit organisation. We don’t manage any money and don’t earn anything on the basis of which particular insurance company you choose.

          If you’re considering hiring a pensions adviser, remember to check what this will cost and how the cost will impact your pension. A few tenths of a percentage might not sound like much, but it could result in your pension being reduced by a lot more than you think.

          Organisations you should know about

          What do the other organisations do?

          Avtalat and Collectum are not the only organisations in the pensions sector. Here are some of the others:

          There are many other pension organisations in addition to these, such as other selection centres, which you may come into contact with if you have worked in other sectors and agreement areas.

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