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Ask a general question here

We have a better chance of giving you accurate support if you call us on phone number +46 8 508 981 00.

If you want to send questions about individual cases that contain personal data, you may do so through the service “Skicka ärenden till Collectum” (“Send case to Collectum”) in the internet office. You must be logged in to access this service.

Do not submit personal information, salary or insurance information in this form. In accordance with data protection legislation, we cannot send responses with such information via email.

However, you can ask us general questions by filling in the form below.

Call us

Companies: +46 8 508 981 00

Are you a private person?
Go to avtalat.se External link, opens in new window..

Phone hours

Monday-Friday 08:30-16:30

Postal address

103 76 Stockholm