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Premium exemption insurance

A waiver of premium insurance is included in ITP. For your part, this in short means that you pay lower or no premiums at all when the employee is reported sick.


For ITP 1, the waiver of premium insurance is valid both in the event of illness and parental leave. If the employee is ill for more than 14 days or is on parental leave (even for the care of a sick child), you pay

  • a lower salary to him or her
  • a lower premium to us.

If the employee is away from work altogether, both the salary and the premium can be SEK 0. The waiver of premium insurance is proportional to the degree of working capacity. The waiver of premium insurance is valid as of the month the employee turns 25 and at most until and including the month before he or she turns 66.

In order for the employee to receive roughly the same retirement pension premium in the event of illness and parental leave as when he or she works fully, he or she receives compensation for the lower premium from the waiver of premium insurance.

We receive updated information from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency External link. (Försäkringskassan) that allows us to calculate what retirement pension premium shall be paid from the premium exemption insurance.


For employees with ITP 2, you as an employer are entirely exempted from the premium if the employee is reported sick for more than 90 days. This is true even if the sick-listing is part time, although at least 25 per cent.

The employee is not affected by you being exempted from the premium. The premium payments continue as before, but are now paid by collective funds from Alecta External link..

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Companies: +46 8 508 981 00

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Go to avtalat.se External link, opens in new window..

Phone hours


9:00–12:00 and 13:00–16:00

Postal address

103 76 Stockholm