Reporting in sick and healthy
You report sickness to us at Collectum. Note that even employees aged 65 and over may be entitled to a disability pension if they work there.
Include sick pay in the cash gross salary paid that you report with us. Sick day 15–90
You pay a lower premium since you pay a lower salary to the employee. Remember not to include the collectively agreed sick pay in your report to us. If the employee is on full sick leave, both the salary and the premium may be SEK 0.
Is the employee unfit for work at least 25 percent? Contact Collectum at telephone
+46 8 508 981 00 to report sick. You now pay a lower premium since you pay a lower salary to the employee. If the employee is on full sick leave, both the salary and the premium may be SEK 0.
Contact us to report sickness if
- the employee has been sick for periods totalling 105 days during a one year period and
- the 105th sick day occurs during day 15–90 in the latest period of sickness.
As an employer, now you do not need to pay the collectively agreed sick pay to the employee, since a disability pension is disbursed by Alecta External link. instead.
If the Swedish Social Insurance Agency disburses sickness benefits, an employee over 66 years may also qualify for a disability pension from sick day 91–180. Contact us to report sickness.
Call us at +46 8 508 981 00 to report as healthy.
You pay the same premium as if the employee were healthy. Sick day 15–90
You pay the same premium as if the employee were healthy.
Is the employee unfit for work at least 25 percent? Contact Collectum at telephone
+46 8 508 981 00 to report sick. You now pay no premiums at all. This applies even if the employee is on part-time sick leave. The employee's premiums are now paid by waiver of premium insurance. He or she is not listed on the invoice.
Contact us to report sickness if
- the employee has been sick for periods totalling 105 days during a one year period and
- the 105th sick day occurs during day 15–90 in the latest period of sickness.
As an employer, now you do not need to pay the collectively agreed sick pay to the employee, since a disability pension is disbursed by Alecta instead.
Call us at +46 8 508 981 00.