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  • The ITP occupational pension
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How the pension system works
    The ITP occupational pension
      What do Avtalat and Collectum do?
        What do you need to do?

          For salaried employees

          The ITP occupational pension

          The ITP occupational pension is for salaried employees in the private sector who work for a company that has a collective agreement. The ITP is the result of an agreement between the Council for Negotiation and Cooperation (PTK) on the employee side and the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) on the employer side.

          You can customize your ITP at Avtalat. This means you inform them where you want to invest your ITP or ITPK pension – if you want to choose. If you don’t choose where to invest your pension, the premiums are invested in a selected and quality-assured default option, which is a traditional insurance policy with Alecta. You can also choose additional cover for your family.

          Thanks to the competitive tendering we carry out at Collectum approximately every five years, you pay very low fees to the insurance companies that manage your ITP.

          Each year, you receive a red envelope from Avtalat containing an annual statement of your ITP occupational pension. You can find information about the annual statement in English here Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.. To see the amount of money paid in by your employer and the choices you have made for your ITP or ITPK, you can log on to your account at Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. (in Swedish) using Swedish electronic identification (e-legitimation).

          Collective agreement

          Your ITP pension is part of your company’s collective agreement

          In Sweden it is to a large extent the labour market parties who determine the conditions in the workplace, not just politicians and laws. We call this ‘The Swedish Model’. The labour market parties include representatives from employees (through trade unions) and representatives from employers (through employers’ organisations). Their agreements are called collective agreements.

          Collective agreements regulate matters such as terms of employment, salaries, working hours, holidays and occupational pensions, and constitute binding agreements for the companies that sign them. Different sectors have different collective agreements.

          The collective agreement that applies to salaried employees in the private business sector is an agreement between an employee union within the Council for Negotiation and Cooperation (PTK) and an employers’ organisation within the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv). The ITP occupational pension is part of this collective agreement.

          Because collective agreements are negotiated by large organisations with lots of members behind them, the insurance policies that are part of the agreements are far more advantageous than anything an individual can arrange on their own. For example, the fees for unit-linked insurance within the ITP occupational pension total one third of the fees for the exact same insurance on the open market.

          With a collective agreement in your workplace, you know that you have a good and secure solution for yourself throughout your working life, should you have children or fall ill, and for your family if you die.

          When your workplace has a collective agreement, you are entitled to several important employment benefits. For example, your employer is obliged to take out an ITP occupational pension for you and allocate money to your pension.

          In addition to your occupational pension, you have a range of other insurance policies through the collective agreement that can provide you with benefits such as compensation if you fall ill, have a work-related injury or take parental leave, as well as support in the event of termination of your employment. The collective agreement also regulates the terms of employment.

          You can always speak to your employer or to a trade union if you have questions regarding the terms of employment or collective agreement at your workplace.

          Watch a film about the benefits of collective agreements on Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster..

          The great thing about collective agreements is that you don’t have to do too much yourself. You are entitled to benefits that have already been negotiated.

          In the event that you need to get compensation from any of the insurance cover provided by the collective agreement, such as accident insurance, you may need to make a claim.

          If you are unsure about what to do, for example to get compensation from an insurance policy, or what you are entitled to, speak to your employer.

          At Avtalat Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. you can learn more about the work-based pension and insurance you’re entitled to as an employee.

          If you are unsure whether your workplace has a collective agreement, ask your employer. And when you change jobs, remember to check whether your new employer has signed a collective agreement.

          ITP - an insurance package

          Retirement pension, disability pension and cover for your family

          The ITP occupational pension is an insurance package that gives you

          • a retirement pension – you can draw this pension from age 55
          • compensation if you suffer from a long-term illness
          • cover for your family when you die.

          Your employer pays money, called retirement pension premiums, into your occupational pension. You can choose how all of the money (if you have the ITP 1) or some of the money (if you have the ITP 2) should be invested. If you don’t make a choice, your money is invested in the default option, which is a selected traditional insurance policy with Alecta.

          If you have the ITP 1

          The premium that your employer pays is a certain percentage of your monthly salary:

          • 4.5 % of your monthly salary on amounts up to SEK 50,375.
          • 30 % of your salary portions on amounts over SEK 50,375 and up to SEK 201,500.

          If you have the ITP 2

          The largest portion of your occupational pension is the ITP 2 part. It is calculated as a certain percentage of your final salary when you retire. Alecta, the provider that manages the ITP 2, calculates the premiums your employer pays into your ITP 2 based on your age, estimated period of service and any occupational pension you have accrued previously.

          A smaller portion of your pension is the complementary occupational pension ITPK, that you also have with the ITP 2. The premium that your employer pays into your ITPK corresponds to 2 % of your monthly salary.

          Read more about the differences between ITP 1 and ITP 2 Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster..

          If you have the ITP 1

          The size of your pension depends on your salary, how long you have the ITP 1 and the value development of your savings.

          If you have the ITP 2

          The ITP 2 pension corresponds to a percentage of your final salary, according to the following (the figures apply to someone who has worked and had ITP for 30 years, if you have ITP for a shorter time, the pension is reduced):

          Annual income

          Pension as a % of salary portions

          Salary up to SEK 604,500

          10 %

          Salary portions between
          SEK 604,500 - 1,612,000

          65 %

          Salary portions between
          SEK 1,612,000 - 2,418,000


          The size of your ITPK – the complementary occupational pension that you also have with the ITP 2 – depends on your salary, how long you have had the ITPK and the value development of your savings.

          If you want to, you can choose where to invest your pension money Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. yourself. If you don’t make a choice, your money is invested in the default option, which is a traditional insurance policy with Alecta. You can also choose extra cover for your family Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster..

          You keep the ITP pension you have accrued even if you move away from Sweden, but the earliest you can draw your pension is at age 55. When you want to begin drawing your ITP pension, you need to contact the insurance company that manages your pension savings.

          Competitive tendering means lower fees

          A top-notch pension

          Roughly every five years, Collectum carries out a competitive tender process to appoint managers of the ITP occupational pension. This ensures that your occupational pension is as high as possible, through low fees and good conditions. Our competitive tender processes have enabled us to push down ITP fund fees by as much as 78 per cent since 2007. This means more money upon retirement for everyone with the ITP.

          Through competitive tendering, we have been able to push down fees to insurance companies significantly. This means a lot more of the money that your employer pays into your occupational pension goes towards your future pension instead of to the insurance company that manages your pension.

          In addition to pushing down fees, we also set other quality requirements in the competitive tendering process to ensure that all of the selected options offer a good chance of receiving a high pension.

          All of the insurance companies appointed in the tender process have also signed the UN Global Compact (UNGC) sustainability principles and the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI).

          All in all, competitive tendering guarantees a high-quality management of the ITP occupational pension.

          Collectum carries out competitive tender processes on behalf of the labour market parties PTK and Svenskt Näringsliv to ensure the best possible conditions for your ITP savings. Collectum makes no commercial gain from this.

          Thanks to the competitive tender process, much more of the money that your employer pays into your occupational pension goes towards your future pension, instead of to the company that manages your pension.

          You can choose where to invest your pension savings yourself if you want to, but you don’t have to. Through competitive tendering, we ensure that you will receive an exceptionally good occupational pension, regardless of whether you make an active choice or not.

          If you wish to, you can move the capital you have accrued to another of the eligible companies at any time. Thanks to our competitive tendering, even the transfer costs are low. You can also add or remove survivor’s protection to your ITP 1 or ITPK at any time.

          The fifth and latest competitive tender process took place in 2023. At you can find information about the selected options for the ITP occupational pension Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster..

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          Vår pensionsexpert Tomas Carlsson skriver om pension på Öppnas i nytt fönster.