
For salaried employees
The ITP occupational pension
The ITP occupational pension is for salaried employees in the private sector who work for a company that has a collective agreement. The ITP is the result of an agreement between the Council for Negotiation and Cooperation (PTK) on the employee side and the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) on the employer side.
You can customize your ITP at Avtalat. This means you inform them where you want to invest your ITP or ITPK pension – if you want to choose. If you don’t choose where to invest your pension, the premiums are invested in a selected and quality-assured default option, which is a traditional insurance policy with Alecta. You can also choose additional cover for your family.
Thanks to the competitive tendering we carry out at Collectum approximately every five years, you pay very low fees to the insurance companies that manage your ITP.
Each year, you receive a red envelope from Avtalat containing an annual statement of your ITP occupational pension. You can find information about the annual statement in English here Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.. To see the amount of money paid in by your employer and the choices you have made for your ITP or ITPK, you can log on to your account at
Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. (in Swedish) using Swedish electronic identification (e-legitimation).
Collective agreement
Your ITP pension is part of your company’s collective agreement
In Sweden it is to a large extent the labour market parties who determine the conditions in the workplace, not just politicians and laws. We call this ‘The Swedish Model’. The labour market parties include representatives from employees (through trade unions) and representatives from employers (through employers’ organisations). Their agreements are called collective agreements.
Collective agreements regulate matters such as terms of employment, salaries, working hours, holidays and occupational pensions, and constitute binding agreements for the companies that sign them. Different sectors have different collective agreements.
The collective agreement that applies to salaried employees in the private business sector is an agreement between an employee union within the Council for Negotiation and Cooperation (PTK) and an employers’ organisation within the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv). The ITP occupational pension is part of this collective agreement.
ITP - an insurance package
Retirement pension, disability pension and cover for your family
The ITP occupational pension is an insurance package that gives you
- a retirement pension – you can draw this pension from age 55
- compensation if you suffer from a long-term illness
- cover for your family when you die.
Your employer pays money, called retirement pension premiums, into your occupational pension. You can choose how all of the money (if you have the ITP 1) or some of the money (if you have the ITP 2) should be invested. If you don’t make a choice, your money is invested in the default option, which is a selected traditional insurance policy with Alecta.
- If you are on sick leave for more than 90 days, you will receive compensation called the ITP disability pension
Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.. This is to supplement the compensation you receive from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan).
- If you have a family and would like them to receive compensation when you die, you can choose survivor’s protection cover
Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster..
- Read more about the rules that apply when you take parental leave
Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster..

Competitive tendering means lower fees
A top-notch pension
Roughly every five years, Collectum carries out a competitive tender process to appoint managers of the ITP occupational pension. This ensures that your occupational pension is as high as possible, through low fees and good conditions. Our competitive tender processes have enabled us to push down ITP fund fees by as much as 78 per cent since 2007. This means more money upon retirement for everyone with the ITP.